08 Oct Vollebak produces a jacket made of the only material awarded by the Nobel Prize: Graphene
Graphene is simply the thinnest possible layer of graphite, the stuff used to make pencils. When graphite is reduced to a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagon formation, it turns into a supermaterial unlike anything ever known before. While graphene’s existence was first theorized in 1947 by Philip R. Wallace, it could only be synthesized in 2004 by Andre Geim, from the Department of Physics at the University of Manchester, who was awarded the prize with Konstantin Novoselov Nobel of physics in 2010.
The Vollebak brand sells what it says is the first jacket covered with a coating of graphene. This jacket is fully reversible with one side coated in graphene and the other not. It promises to absorb heat and restore it over time, conduct electricity, repel bacteria and dissipate excess moisture from the body. For example, you can heat the jacket up by leaving it out in the sun or over a radiator with the graphene side exposed to the heat source. If you then turn it inside out and wear the graphene next to your skin it acts like a radiator, retaining its heat and spreading it around your body.
Vollebak wants to extend its R&D work under real condition ans see how buyers will exploit the properties of graphene and perhaps discover new uses…
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